Sydney, Australia

Stanley Street, the Remix

Street party > parking.


Meck led the visioning efforts to rethink, remix and rejuvenate Stanley Street in Sydney’s inner-east. The local business community envisions a street for people that allows for temporary street openings so the community can throw themselves a party! The goal is to close this stretch of street to cars on a permanent basis. From this work, the client (Stanley Street District) was awarded $200,000 AUD from the State government’s 24-hour Economy Uptown Program to accelerate their vision forward.


Create a Vision, Throw a Party

Meck first worked with the Stanley Street District during the 24-hour Economy Uptown Accelerator Program where we helped craft a place-based vision and actions for the district’s future.


Sydney Summer Streets on Stanley

As part of the City’s Summer Streets program, Stanley Street has banned traffic for a day of fun and festivity on multiple occasions to celebrate the great businesses along the strip.

The street has come to life with plenty of live music, entertainers and alfresco dining and is a positive sign that the District’s vision will soon come to reality.

Image Credit: Katherine Griffiths


Sydney, Australia


Stanley Street District

George Jerez


Make Brookvale BAD again.