Windsor & Richmond, Australia

Historic and Healthy Streets


Heritage streetscapes, today.

The Hawkesbury is one of Sydney’s famed destinations with rich colonial and indigenous heritage amidst the Blue Mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage Area. As part of a state liveability initiative, Council is upgrading its historic town centres of Windsor and Richmond. Greg from Meck acted on behalf of Council to manage Urbis who led the master plan and public domain design deliverables. Meck then delivered outputs for community consultation and streetscape activation as part of the larger liveability initiative.

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Colonial and Indigenous Heritage

Colonial heritage in the towns is exceptional, from a Georgian town square and Australia’s oldest church to a convict-hewn sandstone pub and other 19th century buildings. For over 60,000 years before colonial settlement and to present day, the traditional owners of the land within the Hawkesbury has always been the Darug and Darkinjung people. The master plan and public domain designs put together by Urbis integrate both histories into succinct place-driven outcomes.


Flexible, Healthy Designs

Celebrating the past and looking to the future is a key feature of the public domain designs for the town centres. This includes creating flexible public domain with a variety of experiences, multifunctional green spaces for vibrancy, integration of water sensitive urban design, ecological restoration and active recreation.


Moving Towards Construction

Following feedback from the public and indigenous consultation processes, Council engaged Place Design Group to validate and update the master plan, and take each project to construction. Meck provided design guidance on the project control group.


Richmond and Windsor, Australia


Hawkesbury City Council

Firm Managed by Meck on behalf of Council
Urbis - lead, Master Plan and Public Domain design deliverables


Connecting community with place.


Arts + knowledge hub for Sydney's west.