The Hawkesbury, Australia

Community Resiliency


Connecting community with place.

Bushfires and flooding are common hazards in the Hawkesbury region of Sydney and the 2019-20 bushfire season and 2021 flood season were catastrophic. Meck has worked with Hawkesbury City Council and residents to strengthen community resiliency to face future shocks. Key projects included in these plans have been awarded $1.68 million grant for bushfire recovery.

Hawkesbury Community Resiliency
Hawkesbury Community Resiliency

Strengthening Community by Enhancing Place

Town and village centres are the heart of the Hawkesbury and critical to a strong sense of community and to collectively respond to crises.  

Hawkesbury Community Resiliency
Hawkesbury Community Resiliency
Hawkesbury Community Resiliency
Hawkesbury Community Resiliency


Hawkesbury Community Resiliency
Hawkesbury Community Resiliency

Place Resilience Plans

Building and maintaining engaged communities is a priority for resiliency, so Meck relied on community feedback to create resiliency place plans. These showcase future-focused ideas for enhancing sense of place and includes key ingredients of resilient small towns. 

Hawkesbury Community Resiliency

The Hawkesbury, Australia


Hawkesbury City Council

The community


Creating places with maker spaces.


Heritage streetscapes, today.